Denco Supporting The Community
I know how blessed I am to do work that I thoroughly enjoy. We love to bless others and make a powerful, positive impact on the community. We support programs that do the same both in the dental industry and our community at large. Giving is part of who we are. We love to do it, and we love to make a difference in people’s lives.
– Steve Anderson
President, Denco Contruction, Inc.
Arizona Dental Association (AzDA)
Denco Dental Construction is an AzDA Perks Endorsed Company (a collection of products and services, all endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association because of their value and commitment to AzDA member dentists and their support to organized dentistry in Arizona). Denco is the only dental construction company endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
The Salvation Army has been helping Arizonans overcome poverty, addiction and economic hardships through a range of social services for more than 125 years. By providing food for the hungry, clothing and shelter for the homeless, rent and utilities assistance, disaster and heat relief, senior activity and outreach, adult rehabilitation, and opportunities for underprivileged children, The Salvation Army is doing the most good at more than 50 centers of operation across the state. Approximately 82 cents of every dollar donated to The Salvation Army are used to support its life-transforming social services. In the first-ever listing of “America’s Favorite Charities,” by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, The Salvation Army ranked as the country’s largest privately-funded, direct-service nonprofit.
After nearly 8 years of steady growth in helping formerly incarcerated people receive the restorative dental work they needed to start a new life, Smiles Beyond the Bars expanded its mission and changed its name to Smiles and Beyond to serve survivors of domestic violence, as well as formerly imprisoned men and women. In partnership with the finest professionals in the dental community, Smiles extends comprehensive dental services to carefully vetted formerly incarcerated and domestic violence survivors who have been out of prison or their violent relationship for at least one year and are dedicated to turning their lives around. Smiles gives its recipients not just a healthy, restored smile, but a chance to help themselves build a new life with hope and renewed confidence. Smiles is dependent on collaboration with other Phoenix nonprofits for recipient referrals, including Family Promise, UMOM, Maggie’s Place, Homeward Bound, Sojourner Center, and Phoenix Rescue Mission. These mutually beneficial partnerships allow Smiles the opportunity to provide the final puzzle piece in the transformation and healing process for these men and women.
Along Side Ministries is a Discipleship Ministry with a mission to help the incarcerated, Christian community learn how to walk with Jesus, as they transition from prison to society. Men and women apply for the program while they are in prison and upon acceptance they are assigned a mentor to begin the journey of discipleship. This relationship has a lasting impact upon both mentor and mentee and is critical to the success of the individual after they are released from prison.
While inside prison the mentor and mentee begin to work on a transition plan that prepares them for release. After release, the mentee lives at our Discipleship Training Center where they begin the transition process with a community of like minded individuals in the program. While living in this environment they follow a program that equips them to become successful in their walk with Jesus and in life. In each of these steps they are guided by their mentor, the staff and the church community.
Maggie’s Place provides life-changing programs and services for pregnant and parenting women and their children by offering a warm and welcoming community, a safe place to live and learn, and ongoing services to help them become self-sufficient. Maggie’s Place operates five homes in the greater Phoenix, Arizona area and welcomes over 90 women and their children each year! After a mom moves out of a Maggie’s Place home, she can continue to receive ongoing material, educational, and relational support through our Family Resource Center.
Maggie’s Place is funded entirely by the generosity of individuals and families like you, as well as civic-minded foundations, corporations, clubs, and faith communities. Financial donations and in-kind donations of diapers and other mom and baby items are vital to our mission. Maggie’s Place also relies on the commitment of volunteers to keep our homes functioning and to enrich the lives of our moms and babies. The gift of your time and treasure gives moms in desperate situations a chance to start again and build a bright future for their children.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Valley of the Sun is the affiliate that operates in Maricopa County. Our goal is to bring knowledge and awareness to the community at no cost to them, in various forms. We teach several classes in the community, such as NAMI Family to Family – 12 week course for family members and friends of adults living with mental illness. NAMI Basics – 6 week course for family members and caregivers of children and adolescents living with mental health or behavioral problems. We have NAMI In Our Own Voice presentation 1.5 hour presentation with two people in recovery and a DVD to explain their road from the beginning till they reached recovery. Very powerful presentation. We attend health fairs and resource fairs with all our brochures on mental illness and upcoming classes.
We are here to provide knowledge and support at no cost to anyone – we have NAMI Family Support groups all over the valley, and NAMI Connection group in North Phoenix for those living with mental illness.
Keeping in mind we are able to do all of this because of the generous donations of our donors and sponsors such as Steve and Debbie of Denco Dental Construction.
Thanks to the Support and Generosity of Sponsors & Donors like Denco Dental Construction, NAMI Valley of the Sun Members helped almost 15,000 people in Maricopa County.
Phoenix Rescue Mission
Since 1952, the Phoenix Rescue Mission has been providing Christ-centered, life-transforming solutions to persons facing hunger and homelessness. Our vision is to see a community mobilized to transform lives and end hunger and homelessness.
To learn more about the Mission, and see how you can be a part of this life-transforming ministry please visit our site.
Sunshine Acres is a non-profit home for children who are separated from their parents for many reasons. They are a full-time, year around Christian home for children who might otherwise be homeless. They take no State or Federal money and have never turned a child away because there was no money for their care. The home was started in 1954. Sunshine Acres has to date, given almost 2000 children the chance for a better life.
Our mission is to provide a loving, wholesome, Christian home for children who are separated from their parents, and to help them establish long-term relationships with stable parental figures preparing them for success in adult life.
A huge thank you to Denco Dental Construction, Inc. for their loving support of these most deserving children. Without the support of our community, we would not be able to care for boys and girls in need, right here in Mesa, Arizona. Since 1954, Sunshine Acres Children’s Home has provided a home for almost 2000 children coming from abuse, neglect, homelessness, parents too ill to care for them, failed adoptions and other crisis. Thank you Denco for seeing a need and stepping up to allow these children to experience renewed hope through your giving campaign. Countless lives have been changed because of your generosity and partnership. God bless you!

Steve Anderson, President, Denco Dental Construction, Inc. (literally) wrote the book on dream dental practice design-build processes and best practices.
Schedule an Intro Meeting with Steve to assess your situation and get a plan of attack to make YOUR dream a reality