Over the years, I have been fascinated by trees. When the biosphere first started, a very important design element was missing from the ecosystem… wind. Branches would just break off and trees would become brittle without the presence of wind. Indeed, it is the wind that creates strong, healthy trees by making them sway back and forth.
Think of the “wind” in our lives: hardships, challenges, failures, struggles that we all face throughout our lives. Yet, so often we quickly wish they would be taken from us.
I think of the many challenges I have faced over the years and as I look back at them…I remember how hard they were and how we struggled so. But now, I clearly see their value in what I learned and how I have grown to appreciate what I had once placed no value on…the most important of those being my family, friends, and relationships.
“Do not fight the wind, but move with it and see what it has to teach you.
-Steve Anderson