
What Are You Buying?

You may have asked yourself the question “What are people looking for?” when they begin the process of buying something. I think we can all agree the first answer would be “low cost” or “cheap”. However, in days gone by – not so long ago, the first concern was “quality”. Yes, we have entered into a “Walmart mentality“, partly due to smartphones, the internet & everything available all at our fingertips.

In all honesty, I believe people are truly looking for more than that. An example is Starbucks, whose coffee can be 50 – 500% more expensive than going to a closer, less known coffee house. But so many of us will take the time and drive out of our way to go to Starbucks, wait in line and pay the higher price – to experience their product. Why do we do that? When you think of the ‘experience’ and the ‘product’, here are the reasons:

  1. The stores are clean, efficient, and inviting. The atmosphere is comfortable and casual.
  2. Branded experience. It is the same everywhere and every time.
  3. Top notch service – the best you can expect.
  4. It’s personal and relational. You get called by your first name, many of us know their names, and they know what your habits are. The ‘experience’ is about YOU and you like it!
  5. Quality – You can expect the perfect drink or it will be replaced without question or hesitation.
  6. Choices – You can get any type of coffee or drink that you want and it will be made exactly how you want it.

How can you implement these things into your office to increase the value of YOUR sales?

“The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory.”
-Aldo Gucci

About the Author

Steve Anderson is a General Contractor and Owner of Denco Dental Construction, Inc. He is also an author, public speaker and CE instructor. Denco has built well over 1000 new dental offices throughout Arizona. Denco is the only General Contractor endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
Steve Anderson portrait

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