
Tidbits for Success:The  FISTS  of  Success

Without realizing it, many start out their professional careers crippling their chances of success.  Many start strong and rigid, with a closed fist, not knowing that the choices they have made to date may hinder their ability to move forward and fulfill their dreams. 

When you seriously work on the following five steps, your opportunities and successes will increase, just as your fist opens up finger by finger, as you work on each step.  The result is powerful!  As your open hand symbolizes, you will now be ready to receive and be blessed by the incredible results that follow.  What is even more amazing is that you will be in a place that best suits you, your family, your patients, and all those around you, while being the person you were meant to be.

FICO SCORE.  Work to keep your FICO score as high as possible.  A FICO score above the low 700’s is preferred.  Check with lenders, as this may change.  The better your score, the more desirable candidate you are for a loan with better loan rates. 
INTELLIGENT SPENDING.  When you first graduate college, it is important to NOT invest in major purchases, especially if it requires a loan.  Get your business established first.  Then, purchase those big personal items.  If you do this in the opposite order, your ability to get a loan with a low rate diminishes. 
Save money.  Regardless of where you are at in your career, having a minimum of $20,000 – $40,000 in the bank improves your appeal to a lender for a loan.  The more you save, the better.  Saving money demonstrates your responsibility and ability to handle emergencies, surprises, and overages. 
SATISFY YOUR PASSION.  Understand who you are and what you love to do.  Go after what you enjoy.  When you are doing what you are created for, work is not a job.  It is something that you will enjoy doing every day without the thought of your investment of time and money.  Do what you enjoy doing and do it to the best of your ability.  You will flourish! 
TIME FOR RELATIONSHIPS.  Do not lose sight of people for financial gain.  Keep your priorities in check: God, family, and others.  It is the time you invest in all your relationships that will drive your success.  At work,  take time to provide options and the best treatment plans for patients.  Make their care your focus.  If you put people first, money will always come, and you will succeed (provided you have the proper systems in place). 
SURROUND YOURSELF WITH ACCOUNTABLE, QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS.  You cannot do it all by yourself.  Hire to your weakness.  Always apply measures of accountability for whomever you engage.  The secrets to delegating are being clear about your expectations and reviewing the person’s work early in your engagement to make sure things are going in the direction you want, so the final results are what you desired. 

“Success is no accident. It’s hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing.”
– Pele

About the Author

Steve Anderson is a General Contractor and Owner of Denco Dental Construction, Inc. He is also an author, public speaker and CE instructor. Denco has built well over 1000 new dental offices throughout Arizona. Denco is the only General Contractor endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
Steve Anderson portrait

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