
Tidbits for Success: Do Not Miss Greatness!

As I stepped into the garage, I heard a rustling of feathers.  Upon a closer look, I saw a blackbird trapped behind my tool drawers on the counter in front of a window.  For 10 minutes I worked to get the bird out of the narrow space, only to have the bird repeatedly go back to what it knew, the tiny secure place.  I found it interesting that it was originally trying to get out, now it is trying to stay in.  Even when it had a clear view of freedom, it would drop back down to its narrow secure area.

How often are we like this bird? We want something different, something better, but so often we step back down to what we know and what is familiar, no matter how tight, difficult or uncomfortable the situation might be. 

“If we only do what we’re familiar with, we might miss what we’ve been made for.”
– Bob Goff

About the Author

Steve Anderson is a General Contractor and Owner of Denco Dental Construction, Inc. He is also an author, public speaker and CE instructor. Denco has built well over 1000 new dental offices throughout Arizona. Denco is the only General Contractor endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
Steve Anderson portrait

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