
Tidbits for Success: AAARRGGHHH!

Another word for AAARRGGHHH, is overwhelmed.  We all feel it sometimes. It’s the clutter, the stacks of items that we say we will get to later, then later never comes.  This is what adds to stress, depression, reluctance to move forward, and unhealthy environments.  It’s time to remove all distractions. A good place to start is cleaning your “house”, by getting rid of items. Suggestions include:

  • Sort, file, then delete all of the items you have saved on your computer desktop.
  • Throw out old papers and magazines.
  •  Donate, give away, recycle, or throw out anything that you have saved, but haven’t touched in over a year.
  • Really cleanwhere you live and work.

Then, unsubscribe from 95% of the marketing emails you get.  Unsubscribe to the ones that always pitch you something new, bright and shiny, such as podcasts, YouTube videos, memberships sites, E-Commerce, Facebook ads, Amazon etc.  It’s no wonder we feel so overwhelmed. 

We need to stop chasing other people’s ideas and focus on who we want to serve and create something amazing, something different.  Something that is US!

Everything starts with understanding who you are and what is best for you!

Breathe, smile, and make a difference!

“When you’re overwhelmed, tired, or stressed, the answer is almost always…Less. Stop or get rid of something. Lots of somethings.”
– Kara Lambert

About the Author

Steve Anderson is a General Contractor and Owner of Denco Dental Construction, Inc. He is also an author, public speaker and CE instructor. Denco has built well over 1000 new dental offices throughout Arizona. Denco is the only General Contractor endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
Steve Anderson portrait

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Our star project manager celebrates 20 years at Denco Dental!
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