
Corporate Dentistry’s Powerful Impact

Corporate dentistry is here to stay, and it is growing steadily in the Valley, State and the Nation.

Corporate dentistry definitely has its place within the dental community. It fills a need for inexperienced dentists, dentists that are not wanting to take on any more debt or for dentists that are not made for the business side of dentistry.

As a working dentist in the corporate chain, you would get paid extremely well without taking on the burden of owning your own practice and all the responsibilities that go with it.

For the new start up and possible associate dentist, corporate dentistry becomes the educational bridge, a financial stronghold, and a stepping stone to the future! By being an employee; you can learn new skills, improve on your skill sets, see and experience HR at its best and at its weakest, and understand more of the business side dentistry with what does and doesn’t work in the office and the business.

Another benefit that corporate dentistry provides is the opportunity for the start-up and established dentists alike, is the opportunity for second opinions. We have seen the need for second opinions grow tremendously around corporate dental offices.

Giving second opinions for a dental office is to show your caring and professionalism of both you and your office! Take this opportunity as a challenge. Rethink your processes, make sure you create a way to capture these patients with excellent dentistry, case options, payment options, honesty, a caring team and your desire to build lasting relationships!

People do notice the difference…in fact, many successful dental practices are built next to or across the street from corporate dentistry. Why? To give the client a better option to excellent dental care! Leaving your new potential patients with a powerful, positive experience will win them over and you will have a new long-term patient!

Take your eyes off the money and your competition! Instead, focus on the relationship! Your determination, integrity and providing a client options will partner with your kindness and open doors to your financial success! Why? Because people can tell when someone truly cares about their well-being or if it’s just about the money in their wallet.

“The best and cheapest dentistry is when the right thing is done extremely well the first time, and it lasts for a long time.”
– Sonick, DMD

About the Author

Steve Anderson is a General Contractor and Owner of Denco Dental Construction, Inc. He is also an author, public speaker and CE instructor. Denco has built well over 1000 new dental offices throughout Arizona. Denco is the only General Contractor endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
Steve Anderson portrait

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