Surprise Dental & Denture

Dr. Jason Melashenko, DDS & Dr. Stephanie Mashni, DDS
Dentist: Dr. Jason Melashenko, DDS & Dr. Stephanie Mashni, DDS
Location: Surprise
Square Feet: 3,765
Operatories: 10

“I am extremely pleased with Denco’s professionalism and most importantly, their results. Our buildout/expansion was a tough project because we couldn’t close the office down at all for the project. There were a lot of moving puzzle pieces to juggle and their team was more than accommodating. They were extremely knowledgeable and competent. They proudly stand by their work as they should because the end product is the highest quality. We highly recommend anyone in Arizona to consider partnering with them.”

– Dr. Jason Melashenko, DDS


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Steve Anderson, President, Denco Dental Construction, Inc. (literally) wrote the book on dream dental practice design-build processes and best practices.
Schedule an Intro Meeting with Steve to assess your situation and get a plan of attack to make YOUR dream a reality

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Lindsey Springfield

Our star project manager celebrates 20 years at Denco Dental!
“Lindsey, thank you for your dedicated career of 20 years with Denco and helping make Dreams Come True and making a difference in all you do!”