North Scottsdale Cosmetic & Family Dentistry

Dr. James Jenista, DDS
Dentist: Dr. James Jenista, DDS
Location: Scottsdale
Square Feet: 3,496
Operatories: 6

“I chose Steve Anderson to be the contractor for my dental suite because of his thorough knowledge and experience in the industry. Steve’s understanding of function and flow of  a dental office gives him the ability to notice every detail. His vast experience building dental offices gives him the skills to interpret architectural plans, foresee and correct items that could have been missed, overlooked or incorrect by the architect. Because of Steve’s history and success in this field, he is able to make corrections on the fly and keep on schedule. In my opinion, a dental office is unlike most construction projects and needs a specialist who is keenly focused on the functionality of the final result. Unless your architect knows every detail that needs to be built into a dental office, your plans may be missing dozens of important details. For example, as Steve was building my suite and we were doing the electrical walk through, he pointed down to a wall and asked me if I wanted an outlet in the hallway that wasn’t on the plans so that a vacuum cleaner could be used in that corner of the suite without needing ridiculously long extension cords. Seems trivial, yet this simple addition gets used every week. During the plumbing install and before the concrete was poured, Steve was able to determine that the J boxes at the foot of the dental chairs needed to be altered from the plans slightly because he knew the correct dimensions that needed to exist. Going strictly by the architectural drawings would have created devastating repercussions and very costly remediation if the plans had been strictly followed and wouldn’t have been noticed until the chairs were being installed. These were just a couple of examples I can give which saved time, minimized change orders and insured years of occupancy without having to compromise because some detail was missed during the design or construction process. Steve doesn’t just build what’s on paper. He is another set of keen eyes looking at the drawings and uses his experience to create the best outcome. This quality and integrity is essential when it comes to building a dental suite. Steve’s knowledge and experience may seem to have intangible value, but I can assure you are priceless when it comes to selecting a contractor. I fully endorse and recommend Denco Dental Construction without hesitation.”

– Dr. James Jenista, DDS


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Steve Anderson, President, Denco Dental Construction, Inc. (literally) wrote the book on dream dental practice design-build processes and best practices.
Schedule an Intro Meeting with Steve to assess your situation and get a plan of attack to make YOUR dream a reality

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Lindsey Springfield

Our star project manager celebrates 20 years at Denco Dental!
“Lindsey, thank you for your dedicated career of 20 years with Denco and helping make Dreams Come True and making a difference in all you do!”