For many of us, the fear of soaring is eclipsed by the fear of falling or failing.
Often times our dreams and aspirations that would aid us in achieving our goals are overshadowed by doubts and fear of the unknown. As a result, we become complacent and wonder why we are failing to the degree that we are.
I remember watching a video that showed a mother eagle push her little eaglet to the edge of the nest and gently push it out. Yes, she pushed her baby out of the nest! The mother instantly took flight and watched the eaglet fall. If she saw the eaglet was not going to fly, she would immediately scoop it up and take it back to the nest to try again.
Do you need s push from your nest so that you might soar to the heights you are capable of?
Surround yourself with trustworthy accountable people who can help you try new (to you) proven successful methods.
They may even make recommendations that will take you out of your comfort zone and enable you to soar to heights you never dreamed were possible.