- No More Excuses. What have you been saying you’re going to do “one of these days”, but one of those days never comes? The number one excuse people use is…. “When things settle down, then I’m going to …”. The reality is that we are all getting busier. Things will never settle down. Make a choice to prioritize what is important and act on it now!
- Start today – Not tomorrow, not next week, or next month. No one is guaranteed a ‘tomorrow’.
- Establish a planned schedule. If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. Designate some specific time slots each week for things that need your attention that you have been putting off. Whatever it is, put it on your calendar. If it is a large task, break it down into smaller portions, doing one part at a time. You will be amazed at how quickly you can mark the task “Completed”!
- Face your fears. We hate to admit we have fears, because some see them as a sign of weakness. But fear is also a sign of humanity. You may have heard it said, “Courage is not the absence of fear – – it is moving ahead in spite of our fears.“
- Focus on what there is to gain, not the pain. There are very few things in life that are easy. Concentrate on how good it will feel once you’ve finished the task!
Tidbits for Success:The Pain of Dentistry
As we all know, dental chairs are available in many types, shapes, colors, and accessories. When a dentist is selecting a dental chair, I found it