
Saving Money By Going Green

Many people can tend to think that “going green” can involve too many hassles and problems.

Recently I was talking with my plumber who was telling me of the importance of having a recirculating pump or an ‘on demand’ hot water dispenser at each sink in an office. He said in many of the older offices, because of the way they were plumbed,
people can wait a minute to a minute and a half to receive hot water. If that is the case, that equates to 10,000 to 15,000 gallons of wasted water per year. Consider what impact that has on your water bill!

Some other simple ideas that would help you and your office staff bring your office into being ‘Green’ might be:

  1. Having two trash containers in your office – one for recycle and one for regular trash. Talk to the City about dropping off a recycle container at your office.
    Some cities do this for free.
  2. When your light bulbs go out, replace them with energy efficient compact light bulbs which use a fraction of the energy that incandescent bulbs do.
  3. Use a water filtered by a water pitcher (like Brita) and stop using water bottles.
  4. Have ‘on demand’ hot water systems installed at sinks.
  5. Change to a dry vacuum system when your wet vacuum needs replaced.
  6. Turn off lights and electronics when they are not being used (ie: at the end of your business day).
“The difficulty lies not so much in developing ideas as in escaping from the old ones.”
– John Maynard Keynes

About the Author

Steve Anderson is a General Contractor and Owner of Denco Dental Construction, Inc. He is also an author, public speaker and CE instructor. Denco has built well over 1000 new dental offices throughout Arizona. Denco is the only General Contractor endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
Steve Anderson portrait

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