
Pruning In The New Year

What can be learned from trees as we start the new year?

When branches are too long or it’s fruit too heavy, the branches will break. Also, when the foliage gets too full, the smaller branches and foliage often die, with the remaining fruit usually smaller than desired.

This is not unlike us. When we take on and commit to too many things, the results are usually not pretty! Those who are depending on you can become irritable, frustrated and disappointed. And in return, we will typically respond in anger, lashing out, blaming and apologizing for our deficiencies. Resulting in people and obligations disassociating themselves from us often losing what we cherished and creating an image representation of ourselves we do not want.

So, what to do? Here are a few suggestions…

  1. Choose what is most important to you. Search all areas of your life and prioritize them (mental, physical, spiritual, emotional).
  2. When you make an appointment, commitment, or give your word – stick to it. That means when a new opportunity comes along, keep your first commitment. This will save you much angst, heartache and frustrations.
  3. Learn to say “No”. Especially to those things that are time and energy suckers; things you have no desire in doing nor are part of your priorities.
  4. Organize and get rid of clutter. Throw or give away items that you won’t use in the next year or two. A clean work area improves productivity!
  5. Rent items that you will or would use only once or twice a year. This not only saves you a lot of money on the purchase, but also on its storage, upkeep, and maintenance fees as well as reducing the amount of time that you will have to devote to its care.

We all have a choice…to prune or not to prune! The answer seems easy and obvious, but sadly it isn’t. Our pride, not wanting to disappoint, and our desire to people please often sends us down the wrong path.

“Choose wisely”

“Prune – prune businesses, products, activities and people. Do it annually.”
– Donald Rumsfeld

About the Author

Steve Anderson is a General Contractor and Owner of Denco Dental Construction, Inc. He is also an author, public speaker and CE instructor. Denco has built well over 1000 new dental offices throughout Arizona. Denco is the only General Contractor endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
Steve Anderson portrait

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