
Make Passion Count

Passion Realized!

I recently struck up a conversation with Patrick, at the time, a stranger on a recent flight. He was kind enough to share with me his passion…he works for Valvoline Oil and was just returning from their annual “Valvoline Workshop”.

What was it about Patrick’s passion that caught my attention?

  1. He was energized!
  2. He literally could not stop talking about his company.
  3. He trusted and believed in his company.
  4. He understood what the company’s goals were and where they were headed.
  5. He strongly felt the company goals would be met or exceeded.
  6. He wanted others to share his passion.
  7. He understood that it was not just about him, but saw the BIG picture.
  8. He saw opportunity not only for himself, but for others as well.
  9. He was passionate about every aspect of the company.
  10. He had seen his company improve from mediocre to one of excellence, and was encouraged about their new processes.
  11. He was taught to help the customer by providing options.
  12. He understood the customers value and importance… “Always do right by them!”
  13. He is an ambassador for his company.
  14. He believes in changing lives.
  15. He believes in building strong, long lasting relationships.
  16. He knew without a doubt that his company was the best choice for everyone!


What a gift he gave me! He opened my eyes and reminded me the impact each one of us has!!! And how we can raise the bar when we engage our team on new levels.

More about Patrick Civili

Patrick Civili was a waiter and just 18 years old when a Valvoline representative he was waiting on noticed his attention to detail and his drive not just to get the job done, but to get it done well. He handed Patrick a card and told him to give him a call if he wanted to better his life. Shortly thereafter, he joined Valvoline. 4 years later, he was a branch manager. Today, he runs a store and is the company ambassador who oversees transition purchases and helps others move toward their dream.

“Follow your passion and success will follow you.”
– Arthur Buddhold

About the Author

Steve Anderson is a General Contractor and Owner of Denco Dental Construction, Inc. He is also an author, public speaker and CE instructor. Denco has built well over 1000 new dental offices throughout Arizona. Denco is the only General Contractor endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
Steve Anderson portrait

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