What Makes Successful Dentist?
What makes a successful dentist, successful? Over the years I have heard many dentists talk of their sales processes. The ones whom have truly hit the mark and understand how easy selling dentistry can be, are the ones that put the patient first.
Many seminars focus on this topic, often putting the emphasis on forcing the sell. When you think how uncomfortable this makes you and your patient. Also think about the opportunity for a greater risk of an unhappy patient forced into something.
Take Time To Listen
What I hear from successful, caring dentists is; “Treat them as individuals”, “Treat them as I want to be treated“, “Provide them options and let them choose“, and “Take time to listen.” Wait a minute . . . This sounds too easy! Exactly the point isn’t it?
A good friend of mine shared with me a number of years ago . . .”Do your best to treat the patient how they want to be treated. Do good dentistry, enjoy what you do, and money will come.” Dr. Rick Jacobi