
Are You Listening? Pt 3 Of 3

Success in Selling Dentistry

A few years back a friend of mine, Dr. Rick Jacobi, shared with a classroom full of graduating dental students his simple procedure of selling dentistry. It was fun to watch the students’ faces. At the end of the exercise when they saw how easy, fun, supportive, validating and comfortable selling dentistry can really be. Here is what he shared with the class. . .

The Simple Secret:

  1. Greet. Come into the room with purpose of reducing tension, find out a little bit about them and connect with them in some way like where are you from, and you can respond about your experiences with that place, remember. . . Connect! You want a long-term relationship!
  2. Reason for visit. “What brings you here today?” Yes this is simple but the next step gets missed!
    Close-up Of Person Trying To Hear With Hand Over Ear
  3. Listen to the response.
  4. Respond/repeat their concern or problem. This validates and confirms you are listening!
  5. Do your diagnosis, and share your findings on the screen or tablet. This makes the problem bigger than life.
  6. Provide options. This is critical. Let THEM choose, I hear dentists often surprised by the results as they often figure that a patient is unable to do a treatment they are presenting.
  7. Listen. Listen. Listen . . . this is THE most important thing! The tendency is to keep talking . . Do Not Talk. . . Listen! By listening, the patient is able to state their desires and you show your respect.

That’s it! By you giving your patient the ability to choose, you have empowered them to get the treatment they want, and this allows you to do what you enjoy . . . Dentistry!

This simple process increases sales, reduces dentist stress, and creates happy satisfied long time patients as friends!
In essence, listening is your key to success.

“Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking.”
– Bernard Baruch

About the Author

Steve Anderson is a General Contractor and Owner of Denco Dental Construction, Inc. He is also an author, public speaker and CE instructor. Denco has built well over 1000 new dental offices throughout Arizona. Denco is the only General Contractor endorsed by the Arizona Dental Association.
Steve Anderson portrait

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